Tuesday, November 15, 2011

This is a day for honor; let’s honor those who deserve it.?

Lets honor all our good Americans serving in the Armed Forces, and the Police, Fire and EMS that sometimes make the ultimate sacrifice to keep us safe.

Why does my pooh float ?

lwittler is right. It's a sign your diet is healthy, with plenty of fiber. Large stools that float are indications of healthier bowels than smaller ones that sink.

OLTL- whose on your suspect list?

Kyle, Fish, Maybe Jessica (Bess/Tess). I just can't see Marcie being the killer because even when she went nuts about Tommy, she wasn't out to hurt anyone, just get away with "her" child. And I really think if Marcie wanted to kill anyone, it would have been straight up Todd. There wouldn't have been any frame. Besides, I don't believe Marcie would frame John under any cirstances. Now, I could be wrong. Not sure about Kyle & Fish, but something is definitely hinky there. Of the two, I'd rather it be Kyle because Fish is nice, and Kyle is just an out-and-out a**hole. He's willing to switch DNA and all other kinds of stuff, and he's not even getting paid for it. How much money do you think Roxie & Stacey have? Zip. And don't tell me he's doing it for Shane, he doesn't even know the kid. There's just something off about him. Like maybe he's Powell Lord's son, the result of one of the s Powell did after they let him out of Statesville.

I need fundraising ideas!?

I belong to a group that is rasing money to build a desperately needed animal shelter. We have a very high euthanasia rate and most of it is due to having a severly small dog pound. We are meeting tomorrow night to gather fundraising ideas and I really need some good one that will raise a money and community awareness.

How might a drought affect a grland food webs? which trophic level.....?

if there is drought, then there is little gr which means little food, which means many organisms die. Therefore, the autotrophic producer trophic would be affected, because without water, photosynthesis cannot occur because water molecules are necessairy for photosystem II inwhich water is split. therefore, the plants will not photosynthesise, and they will die off, and cause all the other trophic levels to suffer as well because only 10 percent of the energy is ped on from trophic level to trophic level

Running shoe commercial?

What brand of shoe features a commercial with a guy running an outdoor trail with red cushions on the bottom that talk and react to the terrain

01 VW Jetta VR6, I'm getting a OBDII Code P1239 Cyl. 3-Fuel Inj. circ. Open Circ. Running rough loss of power?

I believe it is the injector but before I just go and spend $190 for the injector I was going to swap #3 with another and see if the code follows the injector. Access is limited and looks like the intake has to be removed. Very tight any tips on removing the intake and the injector?

Pc speakers are making funky sounds?

i just re-installed my windows on my other hard drive that i am using right now and they were just working fine then i started downloading service pack 3 and they started make a crackling noise and the now there completly static and funky sounds i know the speakers work fine and the sound card what coul be causing this?

How do I avoid negativity when I felt judged on a date?

I went out with an guy who I thought was such a gentleman, cly, and genuine. The first time we met we get along sooo well, it was "to natural".During dinner, it felt like a freakin job interview. I know you're supposed to get to know each other but dang, I wasn't expecting to get asked all these "wifey" questions and get judged on it. I am who I am and will not apologize for it but the whole time, he made it seem like my answers weren't "good enough" or not what he was looking for. I'm a lady, good girl, friendly/easygoing, gets along w. everyone. I'm not your average woman, I'm me. And here's this guy, asking, "do you get along w. your co-workers? are you an angry person?" WTH?! I appreciate honest/straight forward people but really? Even if I did give him "answers" he was looking for, you're not really gonna get these answers unless you back it up with experience and observation. It's like "oh she didn't give me the answers I wanted, that saved me such heartache." He just made me feel like I wasn't "good enough" and came across as judgmental and it's like he kept asking questions to make sure he didn't get hurt. Like, "if i get these answers, i'll know if she'll screw me over or not..." He never called. Maybe it's a blessing. It's been a while and in my head, any respectable person would not want to be w. someone so judgmental and have a "job interview" experience but I can't help but be a bit traumatized by it still. I think it's because I didn't go through the motions; I avoided feeling rejection bc I was afraid it would make me feel worse and lead me on a path of self-wallowing and self pity. (I USED to be like that before and took rejection badly but for the past 2 yrs, I've been surprisingly better about it). All I know is that I'm a busy gal and I don't like people being indecisive and wasting my time. I'm just tired of guys who are so interested but never completely pursue me all the way...i deserve better... He expected me to literally be this "perfect" girl...

Should childcare be free or at least subsidised?

current rates keep loads of people out of work that would like to be in it, costing the government anyway in benefits etc, making childcare free or subsidised would at least get people working and give them back their dignity. Or is the problem that childminders simply get paid too much?

I want to get two pekin ducks but i have a river in my backyard is this ok?

If you are worried about hunters, don't take the risk. the largest, deepest kiddie pool you can find will work beautifully. just be sure to change and sterilize or circulate the water in it. Still water, when left too long, will attract mosquitoes, especially on the east coast. i used to live in michigan. When you fill the pool with water, NEVER use tap water. it contains chlorine and other toxins that we do not find harmful, but will wreak havoc on a duck's system. Water from the river will work fine, as it is what the duck is probably used to. and on the topic of showing them, many people have purchased dogs from kennels and won, so getting them from a hatchery shouldn't matter.

How to relieve sinus pressure and pain?

For the past two years, I've been getting acute sinus pressure on the left side of my face in the fall and winter. It's always right above my top left molars, and it puts so much pressure on those teeth, that I can't bite down or even close my teeth together slightly. It comes without warning and seems like it develops overnight. I've sat in the bathroom with a hot shower running, and taken six over-the-counter sinus decongestant pills. I've recently been laid off of work and have no health insurance, and I don't want to have to go to the physician or ER to get antibiotics. I've never had any sinus drainage when this happens, so I don't can't tell if it's an infection or just pressure. Is there anything else I could do?

Need advice on graduation parties.?

Ok....I need help resolving an arguement. My husband is a high school teacher who is very well like by his students. This year he is bombarded by graduation invitations. In the past he had made it a rule not to go to them because he always felt bad that he couldn't make them all and didnt' want to single out anyone and have hurt feelings. Now he really wants to go to some but we can't afford to give money to every party we go to. He feels bad if he doesn't walk in with a card with money. I told him that he should just go to make an appearance, meet the family, give congrats and leave without eating. What do you think! I just don't have the money to shell out to people I dont' know and really can't afford it.

How to get UNattatched to a horse?

for me it was just better to enjoy the time together until you had to separate then you can be sad at the very last moment when shes leaving. your going to be sad so why not just put it off until the end. love her as much as you can!

Is there a way to amplify the signal strength of a wireless internet connection at the recieving end??

I have a laptop in my shop and a wireless router in the house. Is there a way I can amplify the signal at the laptop? I have done all the stuff at the router. Bigger antennas and best location. Do wireless cards get a stronger signal than built in ones? is there an antenna I can use in conjunction with a wireless card? Should I buy and try a wireless card or is the internal card on a laptop better??

FOR CATHOLICS ; about my dream last night involving the rosary?

well from my point of view i think its god's way of telling u he wants you to spend more time in prayer and less time thinking about the world around you!

How can I help my elderly disabled friend with a marriage problem?

My 65 yr old friend is in a serious situation and too far away for me to physically help. Her husband of 40+ yrs has abandoned her in an isolated rural house. She is disabled and has poor vision. There is a lot of snow and she is unable to get out. She has located the local help agency-but they cannot provide any services to help. Her friends have all died or moved too far away to help. She has no help available and is extremely upset and does not know where to turn. She has thought of calling emergency services-but does not want to waste their time as they are not really appropriate in this situation-she is not ill- but just needs to stay SAFELY in her home. She is distraught that her husband will not answer her phone calls of requests to return home or speak to her or even help her. The husband will not answer his phone at all. I have called-but not showed who is calling as I think he will not answer the call from me. The husband has always been quiet and unwilling to make friends or socialise, but his wife is a lovely, friendly person. His action seems to be far too cruel. What can I do to help? Is there anything to be done to make the husband accountable for his actions or reconsider his action?

How do courier services globally help business to progress?

They help by transmitting letters and cargo accross the globe and this enables businesses to have a wider market for their products and even collaborate with partners accross the globe.

Are protein shakes very effective ?

hey. im thinkin of startin to take protein shakes. i want to know ; 1. are they very effective ? do they make much of a difference to your muscle.? 2. are there any side effects ? im not sayin like steroids do your liver in or anythin extreme... just anything small ?

How would some other Christians define a loving God? And how would you define God's unconditional love?

The Bible teaches that the only way to heaven is belief in Jesus Christ, so you can't really subscribe to the Christian faith and believe that other religions are correct as well.

Can my sister in law be a legal heir?

she was the personal rep for estate but stepped down and now put herself as an heir she is married to my brother and no blood relation

Plase help me with my crush/lover ?!?

i think you should just ditch him, he obviously only wants to string you along or he wants you to try and make him yours by doing stuff you don't want to do.

Why are my Air Optix contacts always blurry?

There are many possible reasons for your blurry vision from dryness, mucous buildup on the lenses, a prescription that may be too strong, or rotation of the lenses. I would recommend that you see your eyeMD and have your vision and lenses checked.

Biting problem?

I have a 3 mth's old puppy. He bit my fingers yesterday and i bled. Today, he bit me again on the same finger on the same spot and i bled quite a lot. My finger is now swollen. How do i stop this? He bites my family members too...

What should I wear for my outdoor senior portrait?

I would wear medium blue skinny jeans with a red vee neck cap sleeve fitted top and silver earrings that dangle a little but not too long. Then I would wear a bold silver bangle bracelet. Your clothes will make you really stand out from the browns and greens of the background outside and you'll look awesome!! : P

Do you believe in fate?

Just a test of fate? Which guy should I choose? Robbie or Tony? What first comes to mind? Please Please answer!!!!

Sata adaptor needed for geforce 9800 video card?

Ok so i just bought a new dell 546 inspiron and i was puting in my geforce gt 9800 and it fit fine into the pci exspress slot but then the power cords wernt the same as the one from the computer. So we called the company and they said we needto get a sata power adaptor for it....anyone have a clue whereto find one.

Do you hate Yahoo Messenger?

Yahoo Messenger is no longer the same anymore. Ever since they removed the private chatroom section, it just totally went down hill. And there are so many bots in all the rooms now. It's become pointless. Do you think they'll ever bring back the private room section again?

What is the purpose of life?

To leave a positive significant mark to the world, country, community, or families, or individuals when we leave earth. You dont just want to be a consumer on earth, but also a contributor. Finally, its to fulfill God's calling and will in our lives.

Falling out of love??

My husband and I have been married for almost 7 years. We have 2 kids together. He has always been so nice and attentive to me, but lately I think he is changing his mind about everything. All he wants to do is be left alone. The only time he ever shows me any attention is when he wants . Sorry if thats to much info. We got married when I was 18 and he was 19. I just wonder if he feels like he missed out. Plus he is obsessed with checking out other girls and making it a point to flirt and stuff right in front of me. Is this the beginning of the end. Please no mean remarks!!

What do lawyers for the FBI do? Is it a lot more different or dangerous than being a normal lawyer?

Just wondering what lawyers working for the FBI do. Is it easier to find a job with the FBI (as a lawyer). I hear the imbalance in the supply and demand for lawyers are causing a major unemployment (or sucky employment) problem for lawyers fresh out of law school. Is the situation better if you sign up to be a lawyer for the FBI (as in are lawyers in higher demand there)? I just heard this notion from a friend and though it was a very interesting point. Care to discuss and share insight?

Monday, November 14, 2011

How can I contact a Fairfield Ca FEMALE Police Officer without going through their corrupt Police Dept?

The only way to capture a pigs attention is when its not in its departments pen feeding then you must wait till it stalks the patrol area then flag it down and hope it understands English if it dont then you must learn to speak donutish language kinda sounds like piglet and wheal singing noises. That always seem to work well. if that dont work then you might want to try to drop some corn drops in a trail from town to your house they will follow it eating then trap it in a cage till it listens I know this worked with Arnold on green acres once.

Why does the USA government give so much to other countries when their own citizens suffer?

I have been wondering this myself. The only conclusion I have is that our government does this to try and make us look good in the eyes of the rest of the world. Personally I think we should be looking out for our own people before we start worrying about people in other nations. We have veterans who have honorably served our country who are homeless and that just makes me sick.

What is the movie of these young british boys ?

It's not brand new but it's not old . I saw it a couple months ago on a preview . It had like these boys in it and I think it talked about music a little bit maybe i can harshly remember but it looked so good and I forgot the name anyone have any guesses ?

What do you think about this(rap)?

hey, i thought that was pretty good! 8/10. You were creative by rapping about something different. Good stlye. One of the best raps I have seen on Y!A.

Q) At a certain location in the northen hemisphere, the Earth,s magnetic field has a magnitude of 42Tesla and?

points downward at 57 degree to the vertical. Calculate the Flux through a horizontal surface of area 2.5 (This Numerical related to Fraday law of Induction)

What is your favorite subway sandwich?

My favorite is the foot long prime rib on monterey cheddar, with pepper jack cheese, southwest sauce, onions, and yellow and green peppers. oh and it has to be toasted.

Can you help me find a comforter for my "woods" themed bedroom?

Hi, How about this comforter a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&keywords=xhilaration%20tree&tag=recommended0b-20&index=garden&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325" rel="nofollow"http://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&…/a Hope this helps.

Tricky badminton question?

I'd say it's overhead shot - you can clear, smash and drop. But your opponent has to have very good foot work :-).

I need to pee!?

haha. serious question now. tonight i had my drama exam- poetry recital and all. my lecturer had instructed us not to leave the studio (due to disruptions and all).the studio was absolutely cold- i was wearing my blazer and yet i was freezing so much so i had to use a scarf! at one point, i could not hold my pee, i dashed off to the toilet. but the funny bit was that i didnt drink any water for the past 4 hrs at least- and even if i did, not much. but how come i feel like peeing then? whats the connection between a really cold atmosphere and peeing?

Once again the powers that be (legislators) punish the responsible people to subsidize the irresponsible?

Read "Atlas Shrugged", the first time I read a quote from it to my girlfriend, she said, "hey wait a minute, is this a true story?" She was joking of course, she knows it was written 60 years ago. But the part I was reading her was about punishing the productive to provide for the unproductive and is sounded like the network news to her.

Who else is uber stressed with exams?

omg im like panicking for my a-level exam's. my french speaking is in 2 weeks and i aint prepared for it. at gcse i messed up my listening to lol. i plan on revesing these 2 weeks =S good luck with ur mocks! xx

Theres a new girl and she is kinda my friend but...........................…

i think she might be a and i am not sure and i wanna be her friend but i am afraid that she might try to get my goodies an **** like that what should i do be her friend or not be her friend? hel

Never seen b/f text him alot alot 3 questions!!?

okay so i got mi b/fs number a few dayz ago.we text alot.im alwayz the one 2 start.do u think im annoying him??2. how do i ask him if he thinks im annoying,i dont wanna type "do u tink im annoying?" cuz hes muh b/f....he'd just say no.3!.Good pet names? Im cutie pie.but hes...no nickname.any suggestions?

Problem with stick shift, Nissan sentra GXE 2000 manual.?

It could be the linkage, but more than likely, the clutch isn't fully disengaging. Are you sure that you are pushing the clutch pedal all the way to the floor before you shift? If so, the problem could be anything ranging from a bad throw-out bearing to a bad clutch master or slave cylinder. You need to take it to a mechanic for a diagnosis before it wears out your clutch and/or flywheel.

Any one has ever been here or seen this monument ? I need a detailed account on how to go there?

hoi an is VERY small, you can walk around the town 3 times in one day.. if you go , if there is such a monument , just ask anyone on the street , if it is there they will know it for sure.not much is kept "underground "in viet nam anymore .. if it is there the people will tell you .. they are VERY open and proud of their history , as they should be....there are MANY ancient japanese structures right in the city tour run by the vietnamese government right in the town of hoi an. take the tour [ available anywhere, hotels, tour shops] and ask .. if it is there they WILL take you ....but i never heard of it....

Really Really URGENT problem!?

ok, i would just wave a say hi like you would do to a teacher and progressivly say more things 2 him each day

How much are all these games and xbox worth at ebgames or gamestop??

They dont pay much for trade ins. You might average 5 dollars a game if you are lucky. Sell them on EBAY.

My parents are so special and gifted but I'm a loser?

First of all, you are not a loser and you need to STOP comparing yourself to your parents. You are only 14 and have not even experienced life, you are unique and wonderful and an individual. This may be a short answer, but stop feeling like there is something wrong with you, there is not. You will find your place in this world and you have 2 great parents to help you. Discuss these feelings with them, they will probably hlep you realize just how wonderful you are.

My upper back hurts to much! HELP!?

U need to lie down in the bed for 3 days use volini gel at the paining site plus some pain killers,pain will come down with rest,,dont roam around u will simply worsen the pain,u need to do physiotherapy[exercise] after the pain is down to strenthen ur spine..U can use some hot packs at the paining site

Goldfish breathing at surface! :(?

probably not oxygen deficiency it could be ammonia or nitrite poisoning. They will go to the surface as the ammonia and nitrite can be damaging to their gills. Brand new filter means no bacteria which is bad for the fish do a water change of 50% and probably should get a test kit or just make that fish a starter fish. Its cruel but some people dont want to spend that much money on a testing kit. A good 3-4 weeks and the tank should be cycled just dont throw away the filter bag but wash it in old tank water. But for now water changes every few days

If a killer gave you the choice either...?

burn to death while stabbed by a pitch fork numerous times or be eaten by some ugly fat cannibal and cry in agony as you see him cutting you up into pieces as he eats you? Which would you choose? YOU HAVE NO OTHER OPTIONS!

In the play hamlet, is it implied that Gertrude was having affairs with Claudius before King Hamlets Death?

No but Claudius had feelings for her, that is one of the reasons why he killed King Hamlet, the other being that he wanted the power that came with being a king. Gertrude never had an affair with Claudius I'm not sure {even though she married him} that she ever really did love him, and you can see that she is very upset when King Hamlet has died.

How to show him I like him? Help :(?

try to talk to him a little more until you get at a comfortable level for a week or so, then if nothing happens i suggest you tell him your feelings. some guys like that, but make sure hes not the type to take advantage. good luck :D

What is the weirdest place you have ever slept at?

For me, inside a truck stop. When we were goin up to Canada for the rodeo, in Montana there was some big festival going on and there were NO hotel/motel rooms left and the truck was packed full so we couldn't sleep in there, and it was too cold to sleep in the bed of the truck, so we slept in one of the booth tables inside a truckstop restraunt.

Breeder or pet store for English mastiff?

I am looking to get an English Mastiff. I want him as a puppy as young as I can get him! I went to shake a paw and saw a beautiful one for $2099. Is that a good price? I was told to get one from a breeder would be really good as well. I am willing to spend some money but I do not want to be ripped off! What is a good price to pay for that dog? Also which is better to by from a breeder or a pet store? Thank you

Why did John McCain vote against making MLK Jr day a holiday in 1983, call asians "gooks", and?

His true colors are shining thru. Voting for him is taking a step backwards for this country. It is a slap in the face to every American that is not white. I don't like McCain and I don't find anything honorable or good about him. He is just a continuation of the plague of the last 8 years. There is no way I would vote for this man.

Would it be acceptable to transform a free response (i.e. Open ended) question into a multiple choice question?

A free response question couldn't be turned into a multiple choice question, because typically FRQ's require person insight into the topic.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Should i or shouldnt :-S?

Well if he is already showing clingy signs then yes you should break it off and also if you really don't like the guy then don't make yourself do something you don't want to do. If you feel that there are way more important things going on in your life right now than having a bf then dump him and concentrate on the other things in your life

Lefties: are U still in denial or are U waking up 2how your PC lot are appeasing&cosying up2 islamofasciststs:?

Israel inhabits all kinds of people, Isareli Jews, Christians and Muslims and the non-religious. It's a tiny land surrounded by 22 hostile Arab/Islamic dictatorships with 640 times her size, 60 times her population and all the oil. Read also the book Son of Hamas, amazon. He was against Israel before he found out the truth. He also left Islam. End.

What is a good way...?

I have a good ideas for a movie im going to make,but whan it comes to puting it together my mine go's blink...whats a good way to put ideas toghther???

Was this guy's "goodnight text" rude?

" i hang out with a lot of older people but im goin to sleep peace" i said "okk night:)". Do i look dumb for being so nice?

Can i send somethng up on the space shuttle?

hi, know the spce shuttle s retiring this year and i want to send up a coin or drawing or something, gong p on STS 134 and coming down on STS 135. have got a 10p coin i it possible to end it up on the space shuttle???

Gradient vector and directional derivative?

Given grad f(x,y)=i-2j and Duf(x,y)=-2, find possible values for unit vector u (two possible answers)

Natural lighteners for black hair?

I have black hair and this beautiful dark burgundy dye that I really want to use. But I need to lighten my hair first...I've heard lemon and juice and peroxide work. Will they damage my hair? How should I use them?

Help.. no one will answer...?

So there is this guy who I think used to like me since he's asked me out and took me to prom. At the time I wasn't interested so I kinda made it seem that way, however subtly. Now, I'm thinking differently. We were planning to get lunch this weekend and I told him I was free either Sunday or Monday. He told me to tell him what day was better for me (I umed he was free either day). When I realized Sunday is 4th of July, I suggested we get ice cream and go watch fireworks. He then asked me if I said either Sunday or Monday would work and if we could get lunch on Monday. This is all over text. Has he moved on?

Help! what's the name of this flash game made by a designer from (I think) Eastern Europe? Description below!?

It's black/white, more like an animated ink sketch rather than a cartoon, pretty basic, not fancy animation, the music in the background is some spooky post-rock/noise stuff. The story is you're trapped in a city and you have to escape, find keys and stuff to open doors, like an adventure game. It's a series of three, they're on the designer websites but I can't find them anymore as I forgot the dude's name!

If these blue dog democrats do not vote for the health reform bill, or cap & trade....?

Too late for Cap and Trade. Already voted on and sadly ped. Nine republicans voted for it and that's why it ped.

Is John McCains wife a drug addict? Is she going to be using in the white house?

She has admitted to abusing pills, several years ago, but me in my 61 years of existence have never been able to trust an addict, either present or former. As far as the Whitehouse goes, I guess you can do anything you want there and the staff is sworn to secrecy. Billie used it for a cathouse, as he did the Governors mansion in Arkansas. 18 million people don't mind putting him back in there.Lord knows what it would be like now, that he wouldn't have the duties of the presidency to tend to. Out of boredom the staff women would have to wear chastity belts and muzzles with padlocks. He has an addiction of another kind. The rich are treated different when they have an addiction. No one wants to offend them, and they can afford the best rehab facilities. The non rich get rehabbed cold turkey in jail.

Headphones crackling on right side?

Hi, i recently had to reinstall windows thanks to a bunch of trojans. After i did this everytime i plug headphones into the jack the right side is just a really loud crackling. I have tried several sets of headphones and the same thing happens. I know the headphone are all in working order becouse i have used them on this laptop before and all work fine in my MP3 player... Anyone know what could be the problem???

How Is the Trinity Explained?

The trinity isnt stated in the bible but there is alot of relation between jesus, the father, and the holy spirit. one ex, would be in the first chp of john. Because of all these similarities stating that they are one, the church created a trinity doctrine.

Would you accept this deal??

You are in 1st place by a good margin. No need for trades unless they are great for your team, decline both of them. Good Luck.

I'm cold -- another question...?

... OK, so what if I put like 15 bricks on my grill and got them really, really hot then carried them inside with some big bar-b-que tongs and lined them up in a square on the floor and then made myself a bed in the middle. This sounds like a safe way to stay warm. I also have this really huge halogen work lamp that gets as hot as blue blazes but it's so damn bright I doubt I could sleep with it on. I do have some safety goggles and duct tape -- maybe I could 'black' them out with that. Will this scheme work? It's getting chilly in here.

My friend is frustrated? what is the solutions by the psychologist or who have the right experience?

He is 40 years old. He feel embarred who do not like to hurt others. He always condescends when he disagrees with others even that others offend him, then He site alone down in blaming himself and crying . What is the solutions and advice for this person?.

Has anyone had success using a handheld or two-way radio on a cruise?

My wife and I are taking a cruise and would like to bring some radios to communicate. I'm wondering if a coupel of $40 Motorola two-way radios would work between decks. Any experiences or links?

Signs of chinese drywall but none found?

You do know its no longer only Chinese drywall with that problem right? 2 American manufacturers have been cited for having the same problems as the chinese drywall

Cleaning off old plaster that was applied directly to cement blocks to prep for drylock?

i want to chip off the old plaster that is directly on cement block in my basement so that I can drylock insulate and drywall. My question is how do I clean off all of the loose particles? Is there a type of brush with a van I could use? Any ideas?

Is this girl interested in me?

Take care dude , any body can be whoever on the net or on the phone. I guess I am cynical about relations that don't start face to face and that's very old fashioned of me and limits contacts severely. Could be fun though if it stays on net or phone. What harm?, the papers are full of it. She might be practising for a profitable career. That would be a least harm scenario.

Did u know Yahoo USAF email group is being used to promote o?

I think there are deep roots to this phenomena. It is related to the questions of what the USAF is there for, who does it protect, from whom or from what, what humanitarian aid did the USAF drop to those who needed it etc.

What would you do for your friend?

So my friend is 19 and just has gotten his first gf. She's 15, and she's a . Im not saying this just as a general rude term, she tried to have with him while she was still dating another guy, she has tried to do numerous things with him and they haven't been dating a week. But she is depressed and chews him out all the time, has him hang around with her pot smoking friends who have gotten him to start smoking pot and he has started to drink alot. He has gotten accepted into ucla and has decided he's not going to go because he wants to stay with her in michigan. I have the power to break them up very subtly. I don't think i should though cause its not my life i've tried talking to him telling him how she's messing things up for him. So im 99 percent sure i won't break them up but what would you do if it was your friend

Ok we are in a MESS, why not get rid of NAFTA and GATT?

and build up our Military again.Bring back our farms and our textile industries.When other countries are paying 13 cents an hour we can not compete with that at home, but if everyone at home is working a decent wage and we are taking care of ourselves doesn't this work better for the Untied States?Is this not a better idea than bailing out 3 auto industries that have been in the red for years?And wouldn't it be better for a long term fix?

Trent vs. Lakehead Universities?

Hey you guys... so I got accepted to both Trent and Lakehead universities in Ontario. I need some help to decide which university to go to. I got accepted for Biology and Business and Science at Trent and Commerce and Geoarcheology at Lakehead. if you guys could weigh in and help me decide that would be super great

How do I stop my girlfriend from wanting to lose weight?

just sit her down and talk to her and tell her that you love the way she looks. tell her how you feel about her loosing weight. tell her you love her a lot and you accept anything and everything. make sure not to joke around because she thinks your playing around. but whenever you get the confidence to tell her just go open minded and say how you feel :)

What is a 'Self hating' Jew?

a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-hating_Jew" rel="nofollow"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-hating…/a

I dented my saxaphone...?

I have a dent on my tenor and it is near the bottom about 1" above the serial #. It is about 7mm in length, and it does seem rather small to me. I'm playing a selmer ref 36, will the dent affect the sound? Is it worth removing?

I had a hysterectomy and need to see the surgeon?

had a radical hysterectomy in January and I had a cancerous tumor removed. I can't see the surgeon for a recheck to see how I am healing because he is busy and I have an appointment in July. In the mean time I have no idea what I can or cannot do as far as activity and my husband is upset because I don't know if I can have , exercise etc.. This was not regular surgery, it lasted over six hours, and yes I did pay my bill! The surgery was done by a gynecological oncologist. Any ideas?

What is the Song on the Commercial for Nip Tuck?

I love the commercial, but i have no clue what the song is??? it's the one that goes, "Flash flash, Lights lights". I think it's by Lupe Fiasco, but i'm not sure. Some please help!

What exactly is the attraction of a "Low-Rider" vehicle?

Different strokes for different folks, from a practicle point of view you are right its an exercise in defeating the purpose of a pickup. However lowrider pick up do not intend to use it as such, and in opinion of most it is a object of art, which indeed some are, the amount of time and money invested ,and the genius of some of the technical innovations is indeed sobering. the cost of some rivals the cost of a nice home. one thing is for sure, only in America do we have the freedom to practice and opinion as we please, and pursue those things that make us happy, at least for the moment. so give all gearheads the benefit of doubt, respect their crafts, and get along my sister. happy holidays..

I have recently stumbled across some rather old items in my attac. How much are they worth today?

I would guess the Shakespeare and the Decca Gramophone have little or no value. Many, many complete Shakespeares have been published over the centuries and just because on is old won't make it valuable. You don't say what sort of gramophone it is - wind up for 78s only? Or electric and for long players? If the former there might be a little value in it from somebody who wants it as a decorative item.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Furnace Question..Safe to lubricate the inducer?

Yes you can put a small shot of wd- 40 on there but the important thing is check your flue pipe and cap fix the leak thats letting water down the flueyour cap is missing or your flashing is bad you should not have water down there you might need a new induction motor

Where can I find an oversized poster board?

Tomorrow morning I need to find a poster board that is at least 3 1/2 x 4 ft. Walmart/ Target do not have any this big. Where can I find one this size?

Question about the UN?

No, you don't need UN approval. The UN doesn't have explicit power to tell a sovereign nation what weapons to posess. The IAEA is the major authority which keeps track of who has nukes and often reports its findings to the UN. The UN can then p resolutions calling for some action to be taken if they feel it's necessary.

POLL:Are mix with different race ?

I'm pretty much European all but like 2% I had a great great grandmother who was American Indian. I think most women of mixed races are really y. I mean most all of them look really pretty, you never do see an ugly one or I haven't anyway. I have always thought Asian women were beautiful and would love to marry one and have a daughter. I bet she would be beautiful.

How many of these ten verses are "taken out of context?"?

I personally like that Islamic law which allows men to marry more than one woman, because i think that marrying two women is better than marrying one and having with a :)

My eye is always watering?

My left eye has been constantly watering for almost a week. I have no allergies other than a bit of phlegm in the mornings if I sleep in a dusty room, and my eye doesn't hurt and is not red. I do not wear contacts but I do have gles. It's just the one eye, which I find bizarre. Any ideas as to what I should do?

Where are the moderate Muslim protests against Muslim extremism?

Hi. "moderate" muslims are muslims who do not know there religion too well. If one of these "moderate" muslims carefully examined and studying the whole of the Quran and the Hadith and learned about Mohammed's life, etc. They would be "extremist", not because "extremists" are "extremists" of a religion, per say, but because they are the only "true" muslims who understand what their Quran preaches. Moderate muslims don't know all that is taught about hate, etc. They need to carefully examine their books more closely, they can't even protest because what terrorists do is what the Quran commands muslims to do.

Where can we have a wedding and reception in the Destin or Fort Walton beach area?

We are looking to have a wedding directly on the beach and a reception within walking distance or within beach view. We are looking to spend $7,500 ideally. Our guest list will be 100-150 people. We have a caterer already for $14 a person, but if we can find someone cheaper or they can provide one cheaper, that would be fine. We prefer a DJ for entertainment, and a small group of string instruments (5 people or so) for the actual wedding ceremony. Alcohol will not be on our tab. Any help or experiences that you can share would be great! Also, if a place offers a military discount, that would be a plus as I am military but she is not.

I have been up most of the night hacking up phlegm from my asthma due to the damp weather?

i have tried mucinex and nose spray but the phlegm is not going away and I am tired of hacking it up and if I swallow the phlegm it just comes back up double time. What should I do? Should I let it run its course?

Why do I feel this way when I jog now?

Definitely dehydration. I had an intense ab cramp when the temperature went up to 95� after being a cool 70� for weeks. My body wasn't used to it, and I sweat a ton, dehydratin myself, AND losing electrolytes. If it's been getting warmer where you live, I would drink more water throughout the day and 30 mins before running. After your runs, I would drink some gatorade until your body adjusts itself and can deal with electrolyte imbalances in the heat.


Alright, I'm just starting a rock band, and would like to know what kind of topics I, an average teenager (13 yrs old) could write a song about without being harshly critisized because of the amount of life experience I have. I've really tried to think of stuff but i'm completely braindead.

Are the advertisement trolls who spam questions human or are they bots?

You know how like sometimes you'll get spamming answers like "I suggest you go here for your answer" and blah blah blah. Are those people really human or just bots? Bots are like a program where they do things on its own ... such as spamming questions for example ...

LSU v. Auburn history?

Not sure IF anyone will know this, but my hubby's aunt mentioned that Auburn's mascot is older than LSU's. I'm a LSU fan, and would love to be right on this. As always. Thanks in advance.

What else would be needed for laptops to have before making traditional desktops PCs obsolete?

the ability to upgrade components such as graphics cards, processors, and a unified standard on the motherboard. And when a laptop can come close to the power of a desktop. I mean a real desktop pumping 600 watts of power to two graphics cards and a real overclockable quad-core processor.

Who Can Tell Me If I have A Case?

didn't read your question (looked quite lengthy), but can answer it....you always have the right to sue someone if you think they've done you wrong or harmed you in some way. It will be up to the court to decide if you have a case or not.

Will additional pushups be overworking my muscles?

Strengthening exercises are the traditional "body-building" exercises that build stronger muscles. Squeezing , lifting weights, and doing push-ups or pull-ups are examples. Strengthening exercises are only one part of a beneficial exercise problem, however. These exercises can be very helpful in improving function in a particular body part after surgery (for example, knee surgery) where it's necessary to rebuild strength. They also help to strengthen your bones, since bones react to stress by becoming stronger; they can help strengthen bones even at advanced ages. And good luck.

Friday, November 11, 2011

How does air flow into and out of the lungs in relation to pressure gradients?

When a person inhales, its their diaphragm pulling down and expanding their chest cavity, which causes the pressure within them to drop below ambient pressure (the pressure at their mouth) This difference is the pressure gradient, and since pressure must move from areas of high to low in an attempt to balance things out, air flows into the lungs. When exhalation begins, it is the diaphragm relaxing that causes the chest cavity to shrink, increasing the pressure to above ambient within the lungs, which forces the air out.

I need to know about walmart and unions?

yep, it's homework. I know that walmart doesn't do unions, and i'm able to find plenty of information from other people about the subject, but is there a place where it shows walmarts standpoint, particularly a direct quote from a walmart representative?

Did you cheer when Brady got injured?

Although my favorite team is the Titans, I most certainly didn't cheer when Brady got injured. I agree when you say sports fans like to see great athletes compete. I'd rather see my team win a close game rather then win by a blowout. Patriots should be fine. They still have Randy Moss, that strong offensive line, and that good defense.

What do these USAF / DoD acronyms break out into? On the left is the acronym or unit... see below, TIA?

ACS offers a cl to translate military talk for family members. You should go, if you can figure out what and where ACS is. And you can't go unless your EFMP is done!

I think i'm under major depression.?

hi,i agree with kim,sort your home life out,get back with your dad,urgent,tell him the truth,then get some sort of help to get you out of depression,your dad sounds grouse,he wanted to live in all kinds of places with his daughter,you,emotional abuse can hurt you bad,take along time to get over,being threatened by your own mother,good on you for asking other opinions,it will work out for you,but you asked you listen,best of luck,

Im in a pickle!!!? i need help and advice!!!?

k from a guys point of view if you say that you just want to be good friends then 90% were gonna leave it at that. if you like him and want to date him you need to tell him. this thing with your "friend" thats talking about you is gettin out of hand already. my advice is to play it really strait from now on. no talking to friends or friends friends or anything. keep it between you and the guy you like and say the truth and be open. no middle man and no mistakes that way. it may seem scary but believe me it keeps it simple. good luck!!

I cannot load a game jungle gin from pogo.com. i've turned the ad blocker off?

Whatever you choose to do. Whatever the outcome of your situation is, do NOT mix bleach and ammonia.

Gangster/Underworld films from the UK and Ireland?

I'm American, and I have always loved Gangster films and those focusing on the underworld, especially British ones like The Long Good Friday; Lock, Stock, And Two Smoking Barrels, etc. Can anybody recommend some other good gangster movies from the UK or Ireland? And what are your favorites? Thanks

Will the NFC NORTH be more interesting than the NFC EAST this season?

Im not being biased but usually the NFC EAST is the most entertaining in the NFC but with all the changes and trades in the North could it steal the EAST's spotlight?

Who is the most important in consolidating nazi control of Germany until 1939, Hitler or Himmler?

Please help, for my controlled esment I need to answer the question above. Basically talking about who had most control and what control they did have including their backgrounds and comparisons between them. Also talk about Goebells (minstry of propganda) and how he controlled Germany

My Xbox 360pro freeze when I play it.?

I got it for xmas and the first game i played was laft 4 dead after an hour it froze.So turn it off and put naruto in and after 15 min it froze.So i let bro play his MCvsDC and he played for 20 min it freeze.At first I tought it was the games but i went over my friend house and played them all day for about 19hours and they didn't freeze not once. What should I do? My dad said that we can send it back for the warrnty but I don't want to wait. (It not the ring of death)

Which Women's skiing races is Lindsey Vonn going to enter, besides the one today?

I know that Lindsey Vonn got the gold in Women's downhill skiing today, but I'm wondering what other races she is going to ski? Anybody know?

Advice around this guy?

This is obvious. He likes you. You like him. Be yourself, be confident -- boys his age don't know how to act either. Frankly, you should just go for it. Kiss him.

How much does a cord of wood cost where you live (and where)?

I'm in upstate NY. It seems to be about $225 off independent sellers from Craigslist and more from more established places.

Do you think a five year old is old enough to "misbehave"?

i know that five year olds know what is right and wrong to a degree...even two year olds know to some degree some stuff that is wrong and right, i babysit a two year old, three year old, four and six year old....and they ALL know what is right and wrong,,,,if they dont then they learn by the first time they do what is wrong...

Why isnt megadeth considered better than metallica?

Metallica cant make good music without mustaine and burton but mustaine can make good music without ellefson, poland and friedman.Metallica is living off of what burton and mustaine did for them in the 80s.Metallicas 8th and 9th studio albums stanger and death magnetic s*ck donkey testees while megadeths 11th and 12th studio albums united abominations and endgame are better than anything metallica has ever put out.So why do people still cling to lars,kirk and james hillbilly?

My 9 year old that has problems falling asleep most every night?

My 9 year old has issues falling asleep most every night. We have been trying different things to help him relax (music, relaxation, breathing, silence, bathes, warm milk, white noise, even went as far as trying regular noise, lol) but nothing has worked. When he was younger (4 and 5) the Dr told me to give him benedryl but that was a short term fix. I have tried everything I can think of, does anyone have ideas that help children get calm? He grows very frustrated very quickly tjhat he can't go to sleep which only prolongs the process of him falling asleep. Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks!

I am a dnd dm who just picked it up. I am looking for a character sheet pdf that I can edit w/ my computer. ?

I have adobe reader 9.0 , but I am not sure if there is additional software required to edit pdfs. I am not sure what the exact problem is, I just know there are variouse character sheet pdf's I have downloaded and opend with adobe acrobate reader nine and I cannot edit them. so maybe it's the sheets that arn't in editable format or the program that isn't enouph.

What is Reality?

How do we know that what we are living in is not reality, and just some subconscious state, or how are we so blind to believe everything we are told about reality, like is an apple really an apple, or is it infact an orange, or is the color green really green and not yellow???

A Clockwork Orange..?

It is a very interesting movie, and disturbing at the same time. It's not a horror movie exactly, but it can be somewhat horrifying. On the other hand, compared to today's horror movies it's tame. Also, it has many levels to it and if you like psychology you will enjoy the movie.

Can a photographer sell the pictures he took of me without my authorization?

Generally your right to privacy allows you to protect your image in the event the photographer is using it in commerce. So you could probably make a demand to have him take it off the website. But if he had permission from the pageant to take pictures, then I would look at anything you signed to get into the pageant. It may state that you authorized these pictures.

Will you be going to Mexico to aid them in the swine flu epidemic?

no shoot the pigs with no host it wil die I am however stocking the **** out of my rig with face masks for all calls I go on for my safety

To all my fellow chaste peeps - stay strong?

Definitely stay strong - I'm chaste too and it's much harder than it should be. The way I see it, people should go for what feels comfortable for them, not what society says you should do or how you should be.

R u still a virgin if u masturbate urself with a vibrator?

b4 i had for the 1st time my friends had vibrators and i was the only one without one,,,cuz i still wanted my virginity......but my friends said that masturbating urself was still ok....that i would still be a virgin...??????????????what do u think?

What's up with the blood at the party?

Last night, my friend invited me to her Halloween Rave party. I went and as I got there, I saw people smearing fake blood on each other in a sensual way. Is this like a religion thing or something? Don't worry about you Satanists- I'm not a Bible thumper. =]

How can you contact someone you met on yahoo personals without paying $30?

Im looking for babygirlno1, we can flirt back and forth but that doesnt make for much of a conversation. If anyone knows try to get back to me today so I can break the Valentine's Day curse.

Pocketful of Sunshine?

Natasha Bedingfield is like my fave artist so I wanted to see what you guys thought about her new CD. Outta five stars what would you give it? And out of Unwritten, N.B. (European) and Pocketful of Sunshine (American) which one did you like the most? Let me know!

I have severe gastric problem, wen i get up in the morning i find my tommy is full of gas?

pantoprazole-40 mg, 1tab daily in empty stomach daily morning for one month will give you immediate relief.

Ideas for a zany and awesome piece of artwork?

I've done all the 'standard' things... pastels, pencil, collage, acrylic, watercolour, twig sculpture, clay, even a full size cardboard cut out person... now, do you have any ideas for something 'different' i could do.... it can incorporate any of the above, of course, but just something a little different.... The theme for the project is figure, by the way :)

Out of the Natural, Harmonic, and Melodic Minor Scales, do you agree that the Melodic Minor Scale sounds best?

No. I only like melodic minor in certain contexts (ie, approaching a minor cadence in a baroque-style pieces). My favourite is the harmonic minor scale.

Just started taking yasmin 21 birth control?

was just wondering what experiences ppl have had with this pill and if they would recommend it? also, does it really help prevent pms? i also heard it can make you lose weight :O

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Guys,if this happened,what would you choose?

of course i would spend all night with my gf....bills can wait.....that just doesnt sound right....i can see if he says im really really tired and i just want to go home and crash....but to go home just because he has bills to pay.....so does every other guy on the planet......i would definetly spend the night with my gf.....that guy is crazy not to.....hope this helps XD

Check out these pics I took of a tornado/water spout today?

it probably wasn't very safe, but those are sweet pictures! i live where tornado's happen every now and then. every time we have one i get mesmerized by them and don't end up going to the basement until the last possible second..probably not the safest thing ever but it's like a train wreck you just cant look away from! :p

How will the BIG FOUR retaliate against Real's shopping spree and which superstars will they get?

Well, SAF has been promised all the money from the Ronaldo sale, so that should see Man Utd in good stead. Hopefully they'll keep Tevez and they'll invest in two out of Benzema, Ribery and Valencia. They'll be up there again at the top next season, with or without Ronaldo. Madrid need to invest in a quality defence instead of splashing out �140 million on an already packed midfield.

What you do if a lawyer told you this...?

he does have rights as the father however he needs to show proof that he can financial provide for the child and that his mental health is not impaired if your sister questioned the lawyer about the tactics used the lawyer will say you have the right to hire someone else, that is a normal response

Everyones opinion please.?

How do you feels about corporate America today, particularly the financial sector (Wall Street and the banks)? Do yo think that the fury over the ballouts has gone away or are people still pissed off that the guys at the top got bonuses while everyone elses financial markets came close to a meltdown in the last year?

Whats that film called?

Thes this film i think bruce willis is in it, and him and his friend kidnaps this little boy and the the friend is an idot to the little boy, so bruce kills him and looks aft the kid buying him a halloween costume, an on the run from the police, i think samuel l . jackson is in it . at the end bruce is sot an l;ets the b o but under one condition that the mothe lets the boy got to fun fairs and go trick or trea.t

My boyfriend wants me to go snowboarding, BUT...?

BUT... I have a fear of winter sports from back when I was a kid (I'm 22). One time when I was like 11 or 12 I went skiing with a bunch of my family and I had an awful time. I really embarred myself because I got tangled up in the line that you hold onto that takes you up the bunny hill, and I just kept falling down. I was so bad. I remember crying half the time from shame and guilt and being so happy that I had a scarf and hat to hide my eyes. And now, my boyfriend really, really wants me to go snowboarding with him and I just can't get over my fear. I am so afraid of making a fool of myself and not being able to do it, and thus making him He keeps saying that no matter what he will have fun and it's just so hard to articulate the way I feel. I didn't tell him about my traumatic experience. I can't possibly believe that he would have fun doing this with me. Please help me figure this one out...

How Can I Become a Better Wide Reciever and Defensive Back?

As a Receiver you can practice with your QB and have a corner shadow you.this will help you learn to catch in traffic and also work on your timing with your QB.I suggest you do this as often as possible for the above mentioned reasons and it will help you understand when to break on your routes.hope this helps and good luck

Please can you rate my Pearl Team?

For Roserade, I would put Poison Jab on it, that attack is awesome. For Drifblim, maybe a flamethrower will even it out. All in all it's a great team!

Which of the followin is NOT true of Christmas in Spain?

As Xabier has pointed out...the twelve gs are eaten on Nochevieja..at the same rate as the chimes of the clock...

Should i make this trade?

Absolutely! LT for Westbrook is a must. Brian will probably have his best year yet, but LT will still top him with ease. Tomlinson is really just that good. I love Colston, but either way (Fitz or Braylon) I would still rather have. Edwards is unbelievable and will get the ball A LOT this year. While Fitz is truly phenomenal and needs no argument for him. Pull the Trigger!!!!!

Is anyone going to see the OCC crew in Fort Knox, KY?

I was driving behind their bike trailer on the way to work tonight. My wife looked up their appearance schedule, and said that they are going to be in Fort Knox. If you go, can you post pics of the bikes they brought?

What Does Islam Say about Terrorism?

In Islam you are in a war, you are not allowed to destroy the structure of the area such as tree's and houses. If you kill one person it is equal as killing the whole of humanity.

Im going to a party in 2 weeks, im 17, but obviously need to p off as 18, any ideas?

Basically i can get into the club because its a 16+ party but theres an 18+ bit for the alcohol and that? I need ideas on how to get past bouncers. I have a fake ID but I want to make sure I can get through. Any Ideas?

How can i stop crying? :((?

Phew .. Idk :( im really upset about myself :( and i cant stop crying .. :( i feel like im a waste :( my whole lifes been wasted :( i hate this ... I cant stop crying coz it hurts x'( upset about myself physically :( like im not able to enjoy my childhood :(

The Only Single Person Among 3 Couples, Help?

You absolutely have to go! I live in Reno, and I go to the Rib Cookoff every year. It is so much fun, and there are lots of singles who go (they tend to be around the Hacienda or Great Basin Brewery booths). There is so much going on, you won't even care that they are all paired up.

What are some free runescape bots?

I actually have a life so I don't sit behind a computer screen all day and i don't ******* care if this is against the rules or if i get banned i can just make another account it isnt that hard, and don't give me **** either thanks

How is Japan not the Best Country in the World?

Seriously, Japan is probably the most racist, xenophobic and bigoted nation in the history of the planet.

Can anyone share the code for ps3 black opss zombies waw maps?

my ps3 broke with all the data with it and lost the code and were buying a new ps3 and its sucks you don't have say it email it to me at kirk.jordan@ymail.com

Why do i give off the friend VIBE SO MUCH!!!?

sometimes it allways feels like i am allways viewed as the girls choice for a "friend" rather then boyfriend i am trying to yze what i am doing to keep putting me in this situation but i cant seem to pinpoint it... any suggestions or stories on how to any of u escaped the DREADed Friend zone!!!! oh and i am not ugly by the way lol

Why would Bush's administration exercise a strict censorship over images?

Why would Bush's administration exercise a strict censorship over images of American flag-dd coffins returning from Iraq? And why President Bush has never attended the funeral of any soldier? MAYBE IT'S TO HIDE THE EVIDENCE OF THIS IDIOTIC WAR.

If you had to stop an oncoming train with nothing but a watermelon and a pogo stick could you get it done?

Yes, I would pogo stick into the engine and stop the train from there. And then while I'm waiting for the rescue crews to arrive the conductor and I could have some watermelon.

In Avatar: The Last Airbender, What Elements Beat What?

In the Avatar: The Last Airbender series, there are the four main elements: Water, Earth, Fire and Air. Which element beats what? Like what's the circle path?

Why are Bach/Beethoven/Mozart considered to be the best composers ever?

I never hear anyone say that Ravel, Ralph Vaughan Williams, or even Mahler are the best composers ever, why? Isn't is all opinion anyway? What makes any one composer better than any other? Do you think that a lot of people people are biased against modern music when they choose who they think is the best composer?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Question about blockbuster p or late fee?

yeah i have a monthly combo p at blockbuster that expires on the 14th and its about to be the 15th in like 2 hours...should i bring the game back now and if i bring it back in the morning will i be penalized or something...whether i drop it off at 12 tonight and at 9 in the morning iddk if theres a difference cause idk if theyll even check tonite...does anyone know how that works

Harry Potter Fans: Answer Please?

I definitely want to read more of it. You are a good writer, I can tell. Far better than me. I'm trying to write a fanfic myself but it's nothing compared to your. I do have a suggestion. You might want to talk less about hair...it sounded good at first when you said, "Closing the door behind her, her long black hair rippling behind her" but then u started naming off all their hair colors and it just got a bit distracting imo. I loved it though!

Cant take this anymore need some help!?

ok i've been talking to this wonderful guy for 6 months i've known him for 3 years though but we just started talking romantically i know this is meant to be i've felt it for the longest time but theres a problem i've never met one friend of his that actually is a "friend" to him behind his back they try to talk to me and send me pics. it really bothers me bcuz these are the guys that he treats better than me and he doest even know what they do behind his back. when we're alone he's the best but he's so easily pressured by his friends to leave me and chill with them. i know he loves me but the thing is he doest really know how to act around me cuz he never really had a girlfriend before and his friends have always had girls so i thin k he tries to act like them and get advice from them about me cuz he's a little insecure. i love him just the way he is. i dont want anyone else and i dont want to start trouble by telling him about his friends. what should i do and tell im so lost.

Fellow Texans: Have you taken a moment out of your day to remember?

I remember it, even though I'm not Texan. I discovered, on visiting, that a namesake of mine was in Command after Crockett was killed.

How many Jehovahs Witnesses women over the years were disfellowshipped...?

In Germany I know two cases personally, which were disfellowshipped because the want to sued their rapists. This perpetrators told the Elders that the repent, and then to them it was okay.But that these men had reaped young girls several years, and that this pigs belong in penalty, wasn't in the mind of the Elders. These women were disfellowshipped cause the don't want to "forgive" them and they want to bring them before court.

Tropical fish eating goldfish?

So I did a big no no and have tropical fish mixed in with my goldfish in my 75 gallon tank. One of my tropical fish has gotten big enough that it bullies the larger Goldfish. He has eaten most of the fin and tail and now just latches on and nibbles. It looks vicious to watch and I feel somewhat guilty. I don't necessary want to separate or remove the misbehaving fish but was wondering if this is common and should I accept the circle of life?

Can Periodontal gum disease be stopped?

I'm only 25 and I got diagonsed with periodontal gum disease in Feb. I haven't had the time nor money to go see a periodontist but I am going to go on Tuesday to get a consultation...The dentist in Feb told me I am beginning to moderate stages...I so don't want to go into the advanced stages! Can it be stopped any further? When you get the treatment do your gums stop being inflammed? I'm going to ge the treatment done...I just want to know what will happen..I am going to also go every 4 months to get the cleanings done..But does it stop from going any further? Also...my bottom gums are receding..I have brushed every day and everything for a while and this is still happening!

The Delegate Count... set up wrong to begin with?

Democrats have been their own worst enemy for their voters to comprehend. They choose to have popular vote + caucasus + delegates + super delegates. Republicans simply have popular vote and delegates. They have done this all on their own.

Poll: Should LSU get busted for tHis?

The kid told A&M he wanted 80K. There's no REAL evidence that LSU paid him anything. It's not enough to "bust" LSU.

Who suffers the most in the play Hamlet? Why?

Hamlet, because he is forced with anger to do terrible things for revenge, and he dies because of it. He also looses his dad, and kills people he doesn't mean to kill.

Where can i find cilps and videos from the olympics?

try youtube again, or search the internet. here is a good site:trendhunter.com/trends/beijing-olym…

I helped someone cheat on an ignment!?

Chill....I'm a straight A student as well (actually about 1 year older than u) I'm sure your teacher will still let you take AP US History next year! AND when you really think about it worst case scenario, you just tell her what you just typed right there...you can't get suspended or anything for letting someone else copy your paper. Hope it all works out for you!

On a new broadcast this morning pork barrel earmarks show the congress allocated 17.2 billion for 2008!!!!?

now where is that money coming from????? i have heard complaints that our troops are inadequately provided for militarily and so on but congress has allocated 7.5 mill for g and wine testing, 3 mill for shrimp research, 9.7 mill for fruit fly research, Charles Rangle requested 1.9 mill for a monument named after himself..., Hillary Clinton requested 300mill Obama has requested 97mill AND JOHN MCKAIN HAS REQUESTED NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of course money is printed without it being backed by gold ... so in this case it seems to me limited monies may be allocated for our troops but somehow all this other loot is allocated for absolute foolishness. And so who are the folks who are to pay for this nonsense????? I propose our legislators don military uniforms and go on the front lines...

Why must the plates on a chimney wall be earthed?

Chimney is normally constructed for exhaust of flue gases in different systems and normally it should be the highest part of that area. There is always a probability of attracting "Lighting" effect from clouds as it is at the highest altitude of that area. Chimney is grounded so that during any lighting effect , current will directly p to ground.

Why do certain parents not want their kids to be in an interracial relationship?

My mom recently just got remarried and before now their was never a real "issue" with whom my sister and i called, text messaged, spent time with, came over, or anything like that. well now that she is married and her husband is from mississippi its a HUGE!! deal because she thinks that my sister and i talk to people of differet races to bother her because my step dad iand his children arent really "racist" but they use the N word. which bothers me!! when your just refering to someone who is an African American. Is it realy wrong to date other races? Or is it just the fact that people aren't used to seening couples like this? It's really hard sometimes just to listen to my mom say.. "well.. i think that you are just doing this because you kow that it bothers me.".. but before it never fased her!! And if it is just the fact that people just aren't used to it yet.. will it ever get better?

Have you ever experienced persecution...?

No, I have never been persecuted for my beliefs. I've been insulted for them many times online, but that is hardly persecution.

What do you think of Joey Porter and his gaurantee that his Dolphins would beat the Raiders?

Just wondering what people think of Porter's gaurantee to beat the Raiders on Sunday...which they didnt.

In the world cup India have an edge over Aussies?

In one-dayers, the record favors the Aussies a bit more than India in World Cups held in the sub continent. They have one win and one runner up, India has 2 semis. It is how the unknowns in both teams perform i.e. the newcomers that will probably give a clearer picture. Sachin cannot carry India in every match. Bowling is another area which will be decisive.

How do I become a professional golfer?

Go to the driving range, bring some clubs. And just hit some , maybe even call a local golf course and see if they have lessons (they are a bit pricey but worth it). And go from there.

Is it possible to get mono more than once?

I had mono when I was 17, with severly swollen glands in my throat. I have heard before that it is only possible to get it once, but I'm now 19 and experiencing the same symptoms as before. Is it possible to develop it again?

Helppp..the inside of my is bumpy? Girls only?

Well I was looking down there, to see where to put my tampons in, (no, i'm not a perv) and like..my is lumpy inside. it looks so weird, like...it looks really rough..like the surface of a meatball o_o sorrrrryyyy tmi!!! but i can get tampons in just fine, so what is this?

SEO Article page help ASAP Thanks.?

Can you place duplicates of the same back linking Article on 100s of site or should I write a different Article for each site?

Which program should I use to teach my children to read?

There is a DVD you can get from walmart or online called Leapfrog Letter Factory. It not only teaches letters but also the SOUND the letters make. My kids love it and my son is starting to read and he's 4 1/2 just cause he knows the sound each letter makes. It teaches them in a fun way. If you start trying to force your kid to read too early because you are trying to compete with other moms or whatever reason...they will hate it. This dvd is fun for kids to watch and is age appropriate for both kids.

What kind of action can i take for a slumlord?

Contact your state's Attorney Generals Office - they will have the information that you need. The apartment has to be livable -proper heat, electric, water, structure soundness, etc. Parking would not be included - nor would a foreclosure interfere with it. However, fire alarms and heating oil would be necessary. She could file an action to recover rent - or to force the land lord to comply with the law.

What renewable energy souce shows most promise and is most likely to help get rid of our oil dependence?

I also need to know why and I need a fact that doesn't nessessarily but probably supports your answer from an encyclopedia, a newspaper, a book, a magazine, and an internet site. I already have a fact from a book, but nothing else. Thanks for your help!

Why does the love hina end ?

why does the hina love end ? whit 25 episodes 2 movies and 3 episodes of love hina again it don't feel if the story ends i mean if you tink about it you can think of 1000 more thinks that can happen

What Happened To All The Old Disney Shows?

Some of the shows come on DisneyW and Sister Sister and Growing Pains come on ABC Family i dont know about the others

What is the best way to say goodbye?

I am weeping, here. One by one the best of the best are dropping from our ranks. I imagine once 'Mr. E' finds out, he in turn, will drop from our sight, too. He said as much not that long ago. I have truly enjoyed yours and 'the other guy's' questions. I have wasted very little time on answers since yours and X&Y's untimely demise. It just isn't the fun place it used to be. I hope you drop by from time to time and give us a spark. I will miss you here, my friend and I weep.

Executive order 13303, 13315, 13350---what was I sleeping again?

Once again someone completely misreads the very obvious text and posts this opinion piece (note I did not say news) Remember, just because it is on the 'net doesn't mean it's true.

How far can you travel along the equator before goingg west?

The equator is depicted as an (almost) horizontal circle. If you start to travel eastward, you will continue travelling eastward so long as you stay on the equator (and provided you don't turn around!)

Can a 15 year old muslim girl work?

okk soo im 15 and im looking for a job haha but i just dont knoo where to look cuzz some places wont let u work until ur 16 but i really need the money and i just dont kno if anyone would hire a muslim girl u knoo..... cuz i wear a hijab and all dat but i just wanna hear u guys' opinion and wut u guyz think i should do.. oh and by the way when i asked my parents about it they were just like laughing and said if u find a job u can work we're not stopping u so i was like okk....... soo i would appreciate anyything u guyz have to sayy and any online jobz would be helpful too haha but thankz u guyz!! this would really help me out! =]]<33 ohh and yaa i drive but onlyy to close places that i live byy and im trying to get a learnerz permit.... ok i thinkk dats it haha but plz help me out! thnkzzz!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Becouse you say you are in severe pain, mi advice is to contact your dentist if possible or go to the ER.

Nuclear test for gall bladder, can anyone give me information on this test and is it accurate?

I have already had two ultra sounds and two cat scans in the past three years and they haven't found anything as of yet. My liver,pancreas,kidneys are good. But, I have gall bladder attacks and I could handle it every once in a while, but when the pain didn't stop - I went back to the Doc and said, "something is not right with me and we have to find out what it is. She ordered a nuclear test to see if there is any obstructions anywhere, I just wan't the pain to stop. Any advice?

I Found This On wrestlinginc.com, What Do you Think About It?

Triple H vs. Randy Orton match originally penciled in for SummerSlam in August is now in jeopardy. According a backstage source, both Triple H and Vince McMahon agree it is not the right thing to do at this time. Triple H is pushing for Orton to win the WWE title from John Cena. Internally the thought is that Cena doesn’t need the belt to get over because he gets resentment boos for being a champion. The feeling is more money will be made in Cena chasing Orton for the title. There is now talk of a Triple H vs. Orton match to happen at either Survivor Series or WrestleMania.

Where can I find the D&D (4th) DM test?

Yes it is nerdy and yes i know women can smell D&D even 20 years later, but i would like to official host D&D meets. I know i don't NEED to take/p the test to host but it was suggested by my former DM. Now my question is where can i find it, YES i have googled it, and YES I’ve tried looking on WOC's home page but i still can't find. please help me.

Is this 'War on Drugs' a lost cause? A total drain on the economy, where it could be a great source of income?

Well! And a good morning to you, Mr. VanWinkle! (and I was beginning to think all that research/printed material was a waste! Turns out someone WAS listening, after all! Whadda ya know.) Okay. Thanks for your patience, I just really needed to get that out of my system. Now, as I have been saying: YES! The enormous jump in American illicit drug consumption is directly attributable to the govenment announcing "THE WAR ON DRUGS". Ta-Da! Because it worked sooo well with prohibition, do you think? Some drugs are killers, and should be banned. (Dealers/purveyors of all kinds (excepting legally sanctioned, medicinal fully accredited scientifically produced/processed drug companies-I have NO desire to see cancer patients, et al, suffer!- should be shot!) However, some drugs designated "illegal" by the government are not, and should not be subject to felony charges! Frankly, I think if it's MY money, and I am breaking no (other) laws, and I am of the legal age of consent, how I choose to spend my money is no one's business but mine! If the government was as smart as they think they are, they would -for instance- legalize marajuana, slap a "sin tax" on it, as they do cigarettes & achohol, and retire the national debt by Thursday! Does ANYone know ANYone who is not a stoner because it is not legal? Nope. If a person wishes to use marajuana, he/she IS using marajuana! (I am not able to get high using it, therefore I am not a stoner, but it's certainly not because of any "moral" or political position!) Let's deal with our own personal preferences, and the government should stick to it's mandate. The constitution does not provide for protecting it's (adult) citizens from themselves; I've checked. Thank you so much for your question, and your apparent position on the "issue". I used to think that the I.R.S. was the government agency most in need of scruitny by the citizens, but some time ago I changed to the D.E.A.! That is the single-most useless, bogus group of ... we have! The Coulmbians/Jamacians/Whoever shoot back, so they stopped trying to deal with them, and now they look over your Doctor's shoulder! The doctor keeps nice, neat records, and they second-guess prescription practices! The doc went to school for 12 years to learn what he/she is doing, and NOW any semi-literate DEA type can second-guess! The medical profession is so afraid of the !#$*! DEA that people in severe need of medical help can barely get a script for aspirin! Gaagh! "It sends the wrong message" -You bet it does!

How does Dustin Pedroia have a MVP award?

Im not saying his stats in 2008 werent good, but he wasnt even the most valuable player on his team that year. i would have voted for youkilis if i had to vote for a red sox player, and i would have voted for Ian Kinsler if i had to vote for a 2nd basemen. its just weird that he neither had the best stats on his team or at his position

Q again, still nothing!!!!!! suggestions PLEASE!!!!

It sounds like instead of getting your period, your body is getting ready to ovulate, so if you want to get pregnant, go have lots of . If in 2 weeks you still haven't figured it out, take another hpt or go to the doc. Goodluck!

NAVY pains(literally)?

i just started working in the navy, i also lift weights and stuff on the side. recently ive been experiencing alot of pain in my upper forearm and lower bicept in both arms. is this normal, am i just getting used to the job? or is it a more seriouse problem like golfers elbow. i cant really stop and rest but stretching and ice dont really seem to do much, its only been happening for a few days now though. i just hope its nothing serious

Sergio Martinez vs Lucian Bute?

For Sergio to attain greatness should look for a fighter who can give him some fair competitions in terms of weight. Fighting Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather Jr. is not a kind of fight that can be considered fair but Bute if they can find a common ground would be a good one to watch. Martinez should fight a fighter his size and Bute can provide that as long as they can find a way to meet halfway on what weight they were willing to fight or either Martinez move up and challenge for the Super Middleweight Title.

What are the rules of Turkish Oil Wrestling?

I was watching videos of it on Youtube.com and a lot of the times they just rub their skulls together and other times they put their hands in each others pants, I've mistakenly named my self a Turkish Oil Wrestler on many online video games not knowing what they did and now I'm kind of freaked out, What are the rules of Turkish oil wrestling and why do they do those things?

Math help please. i dont get how to solve this one.?

if m<1= 3x, m<2=4x and m<3=x^2-70 ( m,1 is beside of <2 in like a conner of a given parallelogram, and m<3 is an alternate interior angle to 1) x =____and m

What is the most commonly held stereotype for the English?

I am not saying I agree with stereotyping people or it's to do so but as an English person I am curious to know what it is. I think it may have moved on from the bowler hat and stiff upper lip. Anyone out there any idea. If you repeat it I won't ume you believe it.I don't mind if you are rude knowledge is power that's all.

How do you make CO2 gas?

Well if you mix the yeast with the dough that will make a small amount of CO2. And if you are in a marble cave, you can mix the marble with acid (say if you were sick and you sepwed, theres acid in your stomach).

Wife threatens suicide - what can I do?

Well, I think you both may need some counseling/help. I would not take those words lightly. Those are not words to mess with. As well, you need to stop telling her to leave and that you want a divorce every time you and her get into a heated argument. She is thousands of miles away, can't speak english and make new friends, and has no family here. I can understand why she may be feeling down because she feels like she has nobody, not even her husband. You must decide are you in this for the long haul, or are you threw. If your truly threw with the marriage, stop messing with her head and do what you have to do and send her back home asap so she can be around people who love her and can support her through this. If you truly love her and care, work through this, get professional counseling and be supportive and understanding of her situation. But don't say things you don't mean, you are only going to confuse this woman more and make her more suicidal. So get help fast before it is to late!

Converging lenses....physics help!!?

A converging lens has focal length f = 9 cm. If an object is placed at distance 18 cm from the lens, what is the distance from lens to the image, in cm? (answer to 1 decimal place or more).

Smokin bud or Girlfriend?

So I smoke a lil bud from time and time and i have a old fashion girl who doesn't smoke and looks at marijuana like its a gateway drug and addictive and gonna kill you. So I talked to her about it and explained how you can't O.D its a plant from the earth. I tell her drinking and fast food are bad too and she does it. She met me during a session at her friends place so she knows i smoke. I don't smoke around her and i only smoke during midterms and finals, other than that its kinda rare. So she's annoying when she bitches, should I leave her cuz she wont stop annoying me about it and she wants me to stop completely but i don't want to cuz it aint a problem i just feel she's ignorant about it

Does anyone Dj or make hip hop beats?

Hey, My name is Seth. I'm a white kid that's pretty sure I can rap. Now the only problem I'm facing is I don't have any beats. And no one I know can make them so I'm willing to make anew friend online and maybe work something out. If I can get maybe one or two beats from anyone download it and rap to it I'll let you listen and if you think it's good, then were in business. Can you say white rapper? Too bad I'm tan. Hit this up.

Azden wireless lavalier mic?

Are these mics recommended I want to use them for a wedding video and also a handheld mic comes with it they are uhf

Problem Areas: Quads, Core (Abs), and Biceps. What to do?

a href="http://www.coopersguns.com/videos/exercise-encyclopedia/" rel="nofollow"http://www.coopersguns.com/videos/exerci…/a they have videos on exercisees for each muscle in the body

Fred Phelps has 13 children...?

Nine of them are members of his Westboro Baptist Church. Does anyone know anything about the other 4?

What are some really good action adventure PC games set in dark forests, dungeons or otherwise?

Something to do with killing mythical creatures or mutant animals. Or anything large and or scary. Where you can be armed or not. Shoot fire from your palm. Anything around those lines. From the year 2000 to now. The older the better. As long as the graphics are okay.

Where can I buy these books from any Philippine bookstores?

Have you tried Fully Booked? Even if they don't have the books there, I think you can request for them to get it for you.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Why is my laptop running slow slow?

is it because i downloaded some smileys? everyday now for about 3 or4 dys stuff will pop on my screen and i click the red x. i started playing pogo games also a few dys ago and now i go to play, and cant get on the game.... what could i do to fix this?

How would you clify your devotion to the sport of Tennis?

Can I pick all A,B,C,D and E.They all refer to me at this stage.There is nothing I'm not ready to do for the sake of becoming a better player.It's more than a game to me,it is simply what I charges my batteries :-)

Aircraft Carrier's?

My father was on the USS Shangrila back in the late 50's to early 60's, my brother was on the USS Midway back in 89-91. I'm wanting to know if there is a website that I can get to to get some info on them, squadron picture's, cruise's and stuff like that. Anyone with great intel will get the highest point's that I can give someone. Thank you for any help on this matter.

How can i stop being so gullible?

My problem is that it is easy for people to get away with me like they can say things like would you do this and i would do it and then i would feel stupid after i did the thing. I also get suckered into doing things that people can take vantage of me and have no understanding of what i did. Am i the only one that does this?

Do you have such a strong regional accent, that it makes pronouncing certain words VERY bloody difficult?

And if so, what words do you have particular trouble, pronouncing right? With me, anything ending in 'ail' or 'ale' immediately springs to mind- for instance, the words 'Towel', 'Tail' and 'Tale' all sound more or less the same, when I say them. They all come out something like "Tao", and there's little, (if any difference whatsoever), in the way they sound, the way I say them. Similarly, with the word 'Male'- (when I say it, it comes out something like 'Mao'.) Now, try as I may, I just can't get the bloody pronunciations of these particular words right, and for the record, that must be an Edmonton, (North London) thing, in general, because my mum and my sister can't get the pronunciations of the words I've told told you that I can't get right, right, either, and nor could many of my mates, who also come from Edmonton. That must just be a "Norf Landon fing". However, up in Lincoln, (where I've lived for over four years now), they pronounce the words 'Tail', 'Tale' and 'Male' the way they're meant to be pronounced. Anyway, I'm sure there's also many other words I have trouble with, because of my accent, but none immediately spring to mind- (I suppose I'd really have to think about it, in order to come up with other examples. These are just the ones that I'VE noticed on me, myself!) Are there any words YOU GUYS have trouble with, because of your accents, and if so, what are these words you have trouble with? I'd really appreciate your angles on this one, please, guys. Much obliged! Peace and love! Be lucky! :)

Anyone watch old skool nick?

i watch em all da time on youtube.com && yeah most of em R on dvd sets but u have 2 purchase them online....i used 2 luv my brother and me, secret world of alex mac, all that ((ol skool))gullah gullah island, all dem good shows...they need 2 make an old nick show channel...i'd pay xtra 4 that channel!!!

I listen to a lot of hip hop and gangsta rap ?

People are really still sensitive about that word. Personally, I think it's stupid that only a certain ethnicity can say a WORD. So I would suggest you not say it. I mean there's been occasions where that word has slipped outta my mouth, but no one did anything. Just say it ONLY when there aren't some mean-looking people around.

Why is Rory (er.... Reid) NOT using his last name in his NV governor campaign?

Why can't you find his last name in his campaign website or his campaign materials? a href="http://www.roryreid.com/" rel="nofollow"http://www.roryreid.com//a

What is the weight comparision of quartz vs granite?

Comparing quartz and granite for a reception counter top. I would like to go with less weight and I am hoping the answer is quartz. I'm looking at a 3/8" thickness. Thanks

Why does a guy keep glancing and smiling at me in cl but not try to talk to me?

He likes the look of you...but he's shy/scared to talk to you...in case he goes jibberish or something?...

What type of reflecting or refracting surface is depicted? picture problem?

It's a mirror because the rays are being reflected, not ping through a lens. Its a converging mirror because the rays converge to a single point.

I stoped taking my yasmin birth control?

for a month and I just recently started taking them again but I missed almost a week. And I did the ovalation calculator and the days when I had unprotected was my most fertile days. Is there any chances of getting pregnant if I only was taking these pills for 5 days?

Superstition speech...intro ideas?

I need help brainstorming a good introduction for my speech on superstitions. Its for a competition so creativity is good. Thanks!

Good 15" gaming laptops.?

What are some of the of the top gaming laptops with a 15" (or 15.4") for 1000$-2000$? I need one for college but i want one that will last. Preferable one that doesn't look ridiculous like the toshiba qosmio. Also I do not want an alienwear I think they look ridiculous and would be embarred to own one, plus some of there stuff is way overpriced.

What Chicago and Illinois organizations got screwed by Rod Blagojevich's corruption?

Those are the ones named so far but not much information has been released yet and the investigation has been going on for several years. I would imagine that some casinos and/or the towns that wanted them. I wouldn't even be surprised if some school districts got pinched for state funds for building new schools.

Please help us finding a slogan for our business?

We are running a business on interior design and furniture manufacture. We are looking for a slogan that has something to do with "innovation" or "creative" but I'm just afraid that it's too generic and hackneyed. Do you have any ideas for us?

Should I be worried if girlfriend is pregnant?

swelling and cramps, her period due tomorrow... sounds like clic PMS to me. It's very unlikely she would be pregnant, but if she hasn't got her period by next week you should test to ease your mind. Stressing about it can cause her to be late.

Memorial Tribute to Gilbert Lambe?

Gilbert Lambe rested at Andrews Community Funeral Ctr. at 8190 Dixie Rd. Brampton, Ontario. Seeking website detailing events in his life which we believe is shown on mem.com.

I am planning a bridal/corporate client enhancement event with the theme of the four seasons.?

I cannot think of a good name. Last year was "the perfect touch" but this year I really wanted to incorporate the theme into the name. I want the show to be a big success. Any pointers are welcomed!

What is Haymarket Baptist Church like?

I live in the Haymarket VA area, and I'm currently looking for a new church home. I haven't been to church in awhile and I'm starting to get back to my Godly roots. I came across the Haymarket Baptist Church on the net and I had some questions about it. I checked the website for more info, but it's pretty general. It has info on the history, the service schedule and the missions throughout the church, but It doesn't have any info or visuals on the size of the building, the people in the ministry, or the diversity of the congregation. I'm an African American male, and I'd prefer not to go to a segregated church but at the same time I don't wanna stand out or feel unwelcomed for being one of the few minorities in the congregation. Can anyone give me more info about the church then what it's giving me on the website?

Would you vote for me for President, which policies do you like or think are outright retarded?

You would get elected if people believed there was any chance you could accomplish any of those goals and you could get on the ballot.

Why is innovation in the work place necessary?

That's easy,it's to keep your co. your business on top.New ideas different ways of doing something is what it's all about and what makes the business unique and different.

What religious significance does this poem have?

It has absolutely no significance for me, personally. It's not a very well written poem, either. By that I mean it's actually pretty badly written.

If the violation is written incorrectly for obediance to traffic control device in PA, should I say not guilty?

I was pulled over here in State College, PA for obedience to traffic control devices? The fine says "I failed to obey posted sign no left turn at Do Not Enter Signs." To begin with I made a right, not a left. Furthermore there is no "No Left Turn" sign posted; for obvious reasons, I made a right. Secondly the police officer could not visibly see that I made such a turn where he was if i took a picture of where i turned and where he was located on the road, looking down would that help? There are houses and an ally on the street i turned on which means he basically umed i made the right there, or the left as he said. The houses in between the officers car, and where i made the turn allow people to drive up and down that road in either direction. Thirdly the road is not "one way," there is just a sign with a right turn sign and an x through it. I was working pizza delivery it was icy/snowy, my car had just been sliding all over the road. This specific officer has pulled me over many times in the past year for no reason, in order to see if I had been drinking. Let me also mention state college is number one i believe in the state and also nationally known for DUI's. Should I plead not guilty? Do you feel that I have a chance? Is there anything legal that states that the ticket has to match the action of the fine written on the ticket, rendering it void?

Do hispanic women find dark hair with dark eyes attractive?

You actually look similar to argentine men, Im sure girls will find you attractive. but, im curious, why do you want to marry and argentine woman?

Very very sick need help!?

I need some help. Recently my fiance came down with some nasty sickness. He was puking and pooping water. Now I have it. My tummy hurts unbelievably bad and I can hardly walk, talk, move ETC. even typing is killing me. But I need answers. stuffs coming out of both ends of my body. I don't know what this is called. I need my belly to stop hurting but i cant take pills cause ill puke them up. I only have lipton(or whatever) iced tea, I mixed it with warm water but i don't like it. I don't have any ginger ale or anything like that. I layed in the bath tube for 2 hours and it kinda helped but no more hot water. Help pleaseee!

Living in College Station?

Call me indecisive but I don't know where I should live. I'm going to CS for college next year and I want to live somewhere I will just be happy in! So put yourself in my shoes. You have 2 choices. Place A has 2 other roommates that you know and like, but rent is more expensive and its not on a bus route. In fact its actually kinda far away and gas prices might kill you. Place B is on a bus route (saving you gas), rent is cheaper, but the place is cramped and you don't know who the other 2 roommates will be. You could be stuck with inconsiderate for all you know. Considering that where would you live?

Does anybody know how to tap into your subconscious?

I was with a small group of friends at the mall and while we were there 2 out of the 5 friends that were there were doing things, and later they had no idea that they did it. A few days later one of them got into a fight and i think he tapped into his subconscious,blacked out, or went berserk, because in the end even though he beat the guy up badly, even when the guy was on the ground he still hit him a few more times. so when we left the did not say a word when i talked to him in the car,until about five minutes later he had no idea what happened.(note this is not the first time things like this have happened) so i wanted to know if this is some sort of defense mechanism to protect him. (could anybody do this; because i myself have had a moment where i didn't remember anything so i wanted to know if there was a way to control it on command.)

My dog got worms in her pooh how she grt it and how 2 get rid of it?

If they look like grains of rice they are called tape worms, they get them from eating fleas, if I were you deworm the dog and deflea the dog

I am new to photography should I buy a DSRL camera?

If you're new to photography, you shouldn't need a DSLR. After 2-3 years of experience, it might be time to upgrade. Nikon has a great High End Digital Camera, the P500, that takes great shots. No interchangable lenses, but it's about $400.00. I

Should i buy this 1993 honda civic?

http://fargo.craigslist.org/cto/1378208815.html It doest have a radio and doesnt include rims but it only has 150k on it and its cheap... so i really dont know. when i test drove it i realized the dashboard lights were out (you can buy little LED car ones at wal-mart) ... for how old the car is its great. It does have a dent or two and minor flaws but is overall good. I JUST CANT DECIDE.

Are they the same? suggestions?

ok well, im looking at victoria secret bras, and i see "uplift" and "push-up". are they the same thing, or are they tottaly different, if they are, whats the differnece? HELP PLEASE!! and a suggestion would be bad eather with a link.

A question regarding abortion, spirits, and hauntings.?

During church services this morning our pastor gave a sermon about abortion. He said that because the babies are not properly baptised they cannot enter The Kingdom of Heaven. That of course is a given. However what he went on to say afterwords left a lot of the congregation scratching their heads. He spoke of the unclean spirits of the unsaved babies haunting the wombs of their promiscuous mothers as punishment from God. I don't like to question my pastor, but this doesn't seem biblically sound to me. It'd seem obvious that the souls of the aborted babies would go strait to hell rather than hang around and torment the harlots as "ghosts" in their wombs? Perhaps I misunderstood him. If not, I'm curious if these spirits haunt them until they repent, or haunt them regardless until the end of their earthly lives?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

How do i use kinetic energy to move objects without touching them?

i was watching criss angel and he was moving stuff without touching it and he said he used kinetic energy.

My measurements are 34'', 26'', 35''. 5'11'' tall. Is this suitable for catwalk/editorial modeling?

Your bust and hips are fine, if anything they may ask you to lose 1" off your waist, but that's not a guarantee if you have a great face. 5'11" is fine for catwalk/editorial. There are plenty of models who are 6' or taller but often lie to say they are 5'11"

Should ICT illiteracy be penalised?

Is there still an excuse for having a PC that's ridden with malware and viruses? What sort of penalties should dumb PC users suffer?

How can i fix my cheese pasta?

i've added about a whole bag of grated white cheddar cheese. four dairy lea triangles, four slices of dairy lea cheese, and three babybel circles. not to mention chicken stock, milk, er, and tabasco. i need to fix it, i'm doomed if i don't.

What should I wear for New Years in Reno?

OK so I'm going to visit my guy in California next week and we're going to be Reno for New Years. I'm sure we'll be going to bars and such, but then he said we'll be going outside to watch fireworks. It's so hard to find a cute dressy outfit that is suitable for the cold weather. It's going to be cold there. I have 2 very very cute shirts that I bought last year and didn't wear. They are both dressy black and silver halter tops. I was going to wear them with either really dark denim jeans or gray/silver dress pants.The only problem is, it will be cold there. Is it stupid to dress in a halter top? I've been trying to find something to wear over them (like a black blazer) but nothing looks good with it. I have a nice Black coat I can bring, I just know I won't want to cart it around all night. Do girls dress in tops like that even though it's cold? If not, Any suggestions on what I could put over my tops or if I should just find another outfit?

GIRLS, why did she did this?

definitely playing hard to get and trying to make you jealous just to maybe check out how you feel about her

Looking for Printable Grocery Coupons?

What is a good site to go on to download printable Frozen Food Grocery Coupons, like Fish Sticks, Tyson's Chicken Nuggets, Meat, etc.?

This is reallly gross! But I'm dying to share it with someone! Don't click if you are offended by gross things

I was sitting here using the computer and I realized that I had to fart. So I did, but it was wet and now it is squishy. EWWWWW! I'm a fourteen year old girl and could never share this with anyone else. Feel honored, ok? Anyway, is this nasty or what?

Have any of you seniors tasted ripple?


What are the requirements for Fiorella H. LaGuardia High school?

if tryin out for art all u need is a portfolio instrument jus a piece and arfter wards sometimes ask u to rite a essay on y u wanna get in .also if ud audition while in 8th grade the look at ur 7th grade grades but if ur auditioning for 10th grade they look at ur 9th grade records its best to do this if ur grades arent so hot

Started dating.. Tell his parents?

I'm 13 so I would know. I've gone out with girls but it takes me a while to tell cause I get nervous its not something guys love to talk about with their parents.

A heat pump is used to heat a house with an interior temperature of 22�C.?

On a chilly day with an outdoor temperature of -10.6�C, what is the minimum work that the pump requires in order to deliver 1.4 kJ of heat to the house?

I need a simpsons expert!?

Does anyone know which episode of the simpsons either homer or bart say "if tv has taught us anything...."

What proportion of boys SAY they arent and what proportion of boys ACTUALLY arent ticklish?

well when girls say they aren't ticklish it's in a flirty "find out for yourself" sort of way. but i'm not sure why boys always say they aren't ticklish. i like being ticklish though(:

In the UK, how 'anti-social' does a behaviour have to be for someone to do something about it?

I've got a open-roof bar below my house that keeps playing loud music and the laughter and chatter is constant. Although they usually stop it by 10ish, its still a pain to put up with it all day. I've called the anti-social behaviour hotline but they always just ensure the bar agrees to stop at 10. Must I put up with this everyday of my life in this house?

Photoshop question...?

Be sure you are using the gradient tool instead of the fill too. You can do this by clicking the triangle on the bottom right hand side of the fill tool (paint bucket) icon. Also, when you want to use your gradient, stretch it across your canvas to the desired amount of gradient you want.

If you had 1000$ spare cash to invest 5-10 years?

this is a POLL, im not looking for advice.Simply what would you with a grand, anything from buying cans of tuna to commodity futures is relevent whats your perspective on investment 5-10 years from now

Royal hair on Maplestory...?

I wanted to get a Royal hair coupon for Maplestory, but for some reason it's not in CS. What do I do?

Is there a good mechanic out there that knows whats wrong with my car.?

I have a 1978 holden statesman deville. Its been a great car but lately i have to dismantle battery every time i drive or my battery is dead by the morning. It does not die while driving. After a long drive and i turn the car of it wont start for about 20 to 30 minutes. I have asked many mechanics they don,t seem to know whats wrong want to send me to a electrical person who says its will cost quite abit of money. It is not the battery as ive taken them back 3 times something is sucking the life out of it don,t know what. The mechanics checked starter motor. has anyone else had the same problem. Ive had the car for 20 years.

Any popular hit songs turned into techno/rave versions

Were having a techno-ish party for my friends sweet 16. Does anyone know of some popular songs that were turned into techno. Like what hurts the most by cascada. It used to be by rascal flats

I need some advice please? Does this guy like me?

We are both 19, so we met last semester abd it off! We hanged our all the time, and texted everyday. We started to be FWB which was a horrible idea which I know. Pls dont criticize I know. So ever since we started that, at first he was so excited to hang out and always blew me off last minute. We started school this week, and it went better. Long story short, we had plans yesterday night (Saturday) and it was all set. He canceled me again last minute via text that he had to paint something at his relatives place. I asked him to call because I hate text messaging. He said he will at 8pm, he texted saying again how sorry he was and how much work he had to do. He told me before that he hates painting so I can't comprehend Wht he would ditch me for painting. I was harsh telling Him that I'm offended thar you blew me off and you can find one min to call. Then he told me that he'll see me when he can and he's not ditching me and well chill soon. I was still mad so I said all is good but I'm nonchalant to continue. So then he said sorry bye. A few hours went by so I thought maybe I was too harsh. I Texted him saying that I understand the family thing and I'm sorry that I was harsh and overreacted. He texted me that it was no biggie, and he was still painting or whatever. Today I asked him if we can hang out since he blew me off yesterday. He texted me a whole long story saying "I feel like an letting you down again today. I honestly can't and I would love to see you too and hang out. My schedule is screwed up, andI am very sorry. I am not avoiding you, I swear and don't take it to offence". That is what he told me, so I told him it's okay, and sorry that I asked and I'll just see ya at school. Then he told me how sorry he was again, and told me not to be offended, and he'll make it up to me. I just feel stupid liking him because he always blows me off, I didn't want to make a big deal again today since I did yesterday.. I feel kinda rejected, or I don't know. I feel hurt, and I like him but I don't think he's that into me. Help please?

Am I doing the right thing by Cutting Off Contact and NEVER LOOKING BACK?

Brief story, met a guy around 10 months ago, we gelled right from the start we were like best friends as well as seeing each other. We bonded very very well especially on a intellectual levels we would be up all night talking for hours. But discovered this guy is a clic commitment phobic that finds a relationship a severe threat to his freedom and says that he just isnt ready to settle down yet for his own reasons. I of course wanted a relationship and he suggested that we take a step back and remain only friends (without ) as he couldnt give me a relationship or any commitments at this present time. He said he feels that I am a very articulate, intellegent, good looking girl with a heart of gold, and that if he was looking I would be the one, but just isnt looking for a relationsip at this stage. I said that I felt we should go our seperate ways, I didnt see him for 2 months and then went and saw him over the weekend as he told me to come around.

Disputing penalty charge notice?

I live in a residents permit road. Yesterday I had a worktop delivered to my house-the workmen parked up, crossed the road and knocked on my door, I promptly went upstairs to fetch visitors permits and by the time I got back downsatirs(literally less than 1 min) a traffic warden was putting a ticket on their van! Surely people have to be allowed time to get the visiotrs permit? Do you think I have a good case?

How is the value of stock calculated in Tally 7.2 ?

How is the value of stock calculated in Tally 7.2 ? How can this method be changed. Can I define a method of calculating stock value ?

Who is the top/best team in:?

I have 2 agree with ever1. Barcelona is the best in La Liga. For the EPL I'll have to say Chelsea. Man U has lost it's spark, Chelsea have improved since last seon. For Series A it's obviously Inter Milan.

Mommies where did you get your little one portraits done at?

We have ours done at The Picture People. We joined the memebership for 45 dollars and I recieve emails and coupons in the mail for free 8x10 pictures. So we get our pictures taken every holiday!

BRINE SHRIMP!!!! PLEEEEEASE HELP!!!!! getting them to reproduce?

OK. i KNOW how to hatch them ALREADY. What i need to know is... Once the eggs hatch(and I want THOSE eggs that hatched to someday produce more eggs) what do I do specifically? like do i seperate the ones i am going to feed to the fry and the ones i want to reproduce more eggs?? Also can you pick the EGGS up with a turkey baster or should i use a net. please think of explaining this to a dummy.

If a friend invites you for a trip to Reno?Are you obligated to share the costs?

A friend calls and invited you for a trip to after she already has made all the arrangements. She is taking her child and friend along also. I am wondering am I obligated to pay for the room?I did fill a tank of gas

Midseason Awards. Who's your NFL MVP? and etc?

MVP: ill go for Tom brady Brady he have ust recoverd from a knee injury and has ust lost 2 games and is gething every week beter. + Im a PATS FAN XD

Aren't we humans indeed the the formation of programmed dust in a temperature change bath that facilitates tha

t combination into slime and then protein of life as the changing chemical reaction of different dust types and moisture aculates to unfold more and more complicated binding more and more to its changing self unfolding life into what it is now and continuing to unfold life into the future, our thoughts and being, all from an original wish dividing nothing, inventing and blowing itself into our proportion from reformation of it's gradual rest after blowing?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Can brine shrimp (artemia) kill or cause the death of 6-12 day old zebrafish?

I used to have/keep tropical fish, there is a special food for babies. Brine shrimpare for adults. I used to try giving babies protein as obviously brine shrimp would be. They were too much protein for their systems to handle. Under the microscope you saw many "legs" right? That's why I opted for freeze dried brine shrimp.

After Clottey, Arum STILL insists on pushing BS fights down our throats!!!?

Now you all are starting to see what I have been saying for years . Manny is not an all time great fighter he is an all time protected fighter. This is not about race to me it is about the sport of boxing the best should fight the best. Let me give you some back ground on my self I was asked in a tournament who I wanted to fight next I was shocked at this question I told the promoters I did not care because to win it I would have to beat all of them any way guess what I lots on a bad decision never looked back on my decision fight this guy it was a great fight and I had more fun in that fight than in any other fight in my life. What I am saying is good fighters don't care who they fight but if someone is standing in the way of a great fighter we want them even at the cost of losing, Manny does not have that mind set he hides behind his managements skirt. You mention some really good fighters but I could give you three more names that could Kill Manny one is Lamont Peterson, another is Kindell Holt.

Why in UK 16 years old youngsters are getting only �3.30 p/ h, when the minimum wage is �5.35 per hour?

If we want less teens on the streets and less crime, we should encourage them to get jobs, and pay them the fear wage,but not �2.00 less than the minimum hour wage?

Zelda Twilight Princess: Stuck in Kariko Village. Help please?

I have just completed the Goron Mines and purchased bombs from Barnes. However, now I'm stuck and the gorons are replaced with these creepy lanterns. What do I do next? How do I get out of here? Thanks for any help!

Syncing songs to cellphone/mp3 players?

I have noticed that if I move the songs directly myself sometimes they'll end up all scrambled without any order. Because I like to keep my songs in order of album, I tried syncing once using the Windows Media Player... and it worked! Only that my little cellphone here reads its songs from its "My Music" folder and when WMP syncs, it saves it into a folder it makes called "Music". I wanna know if there are better softwares out there that can sync songs... moving it is really a pain sometimes since there are sometimes a lot of different artists, and under those artists, different albums... plz help me...

Since they are such devout Catholics, wouldn't it be best if the McCanns offered themselves up for inquisition

I mean, that's a perfectly legitimate and well researched method of witchunting - I mean investigating, right?

Can some one give me some advice?!?!?

K well my mom prommised my brother that if he kept the house clean that he would get Guitar hero 3 and well he DID a very good job for 2 weeks and then when he was supossed to get it my mom said he didnt do a good enough job... my mom ALWAYS does this to us where she promises and the takes it back.. i feel bad for my brother what could i say to my mom to changer her mind or somethin?? Thanks :)

What do ya'll think about my story? It's about the Titanic.?

OK, good idea going there, but I think you should definitely polish up the grammar and word usage of this boy. He might not have been well-educated, but nobody wrote like this back then. If you want to get a feel for what his diary would really sound like, read some books written in the mid to late 19th century.

What is the apparent weight at the equator of a person having a m of 85.9 kg? ?

the difference is so little it wont fit on the tenth decimal. so your answer would be the same, 85.9. if you went back like 85.957436 then you would notice after the thousandth or so.

I'm having birth control issues, and i'm unsure when to start!?

The Sunday start is only usually reccomended for people who forget to take their pills a lot to make it easier. If you started on Saturday, you should end on Friday. Start your new pack on Saturday then. And good luck!