Wednesday, November 9, 2011

On a new broadcast this morning pork barrel earmarks show the congress allocated 17.2 billion for 2008!!!!?

now where is that money coming from????? i have heard complaints that our troops are inadequately provided for militarily and so on but congress has allocated 7.5 mill for g and wine testing, 3 mill for shrimp research, 9.7 mill for fruit fly research, Charles Rangle requested 1.9 mill for a monument named after himself..., Hillary Clinton requested 300mill Obama has requested 97mill AND JOHN MCKAIN HAS REQUESTED NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of course money is printed without it being backed by gold ... so in this case it seems to me limited monies may be allocated for our troops but somehow all this other loot is allocated for absolute foolishness. And so who are the folks who are to pay for this nonsense????? I propose our legislators don military uniforms and go on the front lines...

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