Tuesday, November 15, 2011

OLTL- whose on your suspect list?

Kyle, Fish, Maybe Jessica (Bess/Tess). I just can't see Marcie being the killer because even when she went nuts about Tommy, she wasn't out to hurt anyone, just get away with "her" child. And I really think if Marcie wanted to kill anyone, it would have been straight up Todd. There wouldn't have been any frame. Besides, I don't believe Marcie would frame John under any cirstances. Now, I could be wrong. Not sure about Kyle & Fish, but something is definitely hinky there. Of the two, I'd rather it be Kyle because Fish is nice, and Kyle is just an out-and-out a**hole. He's willing to switch DNA and all other kinds of stuff, and he's not even getting paid for it. How much money do you think Roxie & Stacey have? Zip. And don't tell me he's doing it for Shane, he doesn't even know the kid. There's just something off about him. Like maybe he's Powell Lord's son, the result of one of the s Powell did after they let him out of Statesville.

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