Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Wife threatens suicide - what can I do?

Well, I think you both may need some counseling/help. I would not take those words lightly. Those are not words to mess with. As well, you need to stop telling her to leave and that you want a divorce every time you and her get into a heated argument. She is thousands of miles away, can't speak english and make new friends, and has no family here. I can understand why she may be feeling down because she feels like she has nobody, not even her husband. You must decide are you in this for the long haul, or are you threw. If your truly threw with the marriage, stop messing with her head and do what you have to do and send her back home asap so she can be around people who love her and can support her through this. If you truly love her and care, work through this, get professional counseling and be supportive and understanding of her situation. But don't say things you don't mean, you are only going to confuse this woman more and make her more suicidal. So get help fast before it is to late!

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