Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Is this 'War on Drugs' a lost cause? A total drain on the economy, where it could be a great source of income?

Well! And a good morning to you, Mr. VanWinkle! (and I was beginning to think all that research/printed material was a waste! Turns out someone WAS listening, after all! Whadda ya know.) Okay. Thanks for your patience, I just really needed to get that out of my system. Now, as I have been saying: YES! The enormous jump in American illicit drug consumption is directly attributable to the govenment announcing "THE WAR ON DRUGS". Ta-Da! Because it worked sooo well with prohibition, do you think? Some drugs are killers, and should be banned. (Dealers/purveyors of all kinds (excepting legally sanctioned, medicinal fully accredited scientifically produced/processed drug companies-I have NO desire to see cancer patients, et al, suffer!- should be shot!) However, some drugs designated "illegal" by the government are not, and should not be subject to felony charges! Frankly, I think if it's MY money, and I am breaking no (other) laws, and I am of the legal age of consent, how I choose to spend my money is no one's business but mine! If the government was as smart as they think they are, they would -for instance- legalize marajuana, slap a "sin tax" on it, as they do cigarettes & achohol, and retire the national debt by Thursday! Does ANYone know ANYone who is not a stoner because it is not legal? Nope. If a person wishes to use marajuana, he/she IS using marajuana! (I am not able to get high using it, therefore I am not a stoner, but it's certainly not because of any "moral" or political position!) Let's deal with our own personal preferences, and the government should stick to it's mandate. The constitution does not provide for protecting it's (adult) citizens from themselves; I've checked. Thank you so much for your question, and your apparent position on the "issue". I used to think that the I.R.S. was the government agency most in need of scruitny by the citizens, but some time ago I changed to the D.E.A.! That is the single-most useless, bogus group of ... we have! The Coulmbians/Jamacians/Whoever shoot back, so they stopped trying to deal with them, and now they look over your Doctor's shoulder! The doctor keeps nice, neat records, and they second-guess prescription practices! The doc went to school for 12 years to learn what he/she is doing, and NOW any semi-literate DEA type can second-guess! The medical profession is so afraid of the !#$*! DEA that people in severe need of medical help can barely get a script for aspirin! Gaagh! "It sends the wrong message" -You bet it does!

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